

haiku・つれづれ - 第24回













すぐにおわかりのように、ケルアックの俳句は五七五音節のルールに従ってはいない。実はケルアックは、俳句の基本ルールとされる定型の制約を捨て去ることでしか、西洋の言語は俳句の本質に近づけないと考え、五七五音節のルールを放棄する「西洋流俳句(Western Haiku)」を提唱した。彼はこう記す。





I am a haiku poet in Japan, and I spent almost two years in the UK from 2018 to 2020. During this stay, I realised that haiku has been widely accepted in British society, such that haiku is adopted as part of the curriculum in primary schools. However, I felt that there was something fundamentally different between Western haiku and Japanese haiku.

Haiku is the form of poetry that originated in Japan, often called the shortest poetic form in the world, as it has merely three lines with 5-7-5 syllables, respectively. As far as I know, most Western haiku writers follow this rule of 5-7-5 syllables. However, due to the difference between Western languages and the Japanese language, what Western languages can say in the 5-7-5 syllables is often more than what their counterpart can say within the same restriction. Since the kernel of haiku literature is based on its compactness, this linguistic difference leads to a substantial aesthetic difference. This is the reason that, now and then, Western poets’ haiku makes me feel a bit odd.

But, one day, I came across a haiku book written by Jack Kerouac, the prominent American novelist and the author of On the Road, one of the most influential novels of the last century. He published a book titled Book of Haikus and dedicated himself not only to writing stories but also creating many haikus throughout his life. The following haikus by Kerouac are highly sophisticated and imaginative with his urbanised sensibility:

Train tunnel, too dark
for me to write: that
"Men are ignorant"
Birds flying north —
Where are the squirrels?—
There goes a plane to Boston
So humid you can’t
light matches, like
Living in a tank
The moon
is a
Blind lemon
Hitch hiked a thousand
miles and brought
You wine [1]

It can easily be recognised that these Kerouac haikus do not follow the rule of 5-7-5 syllables. In fact, Kerouac advocated 'Western Haiku’, which abandoned the rule of 5-7-5 syllables, realising that the Western languages could only approach the soul of haiku by neglecting the syllable restrictions, which is often considered the basic rule of haiku. He notes:

A "Western Haiku" need not concern itself with the seventeen syllables since Western languages cannot adapt themselves to the fluid syllabillic Japanese. I propose that the "Western Haiku" simply say a lot in three short lines in any Western language. Above all, a Haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and make a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi Pastorella [2].

In general, the Japanese language consists of pairs of a consonant with a vowel (or of a vowel alone). It means Japanese haiku does not have any sound made solely of consonants (with the only exception of the sound of 'n'). One of the most famous pieces by the legendary haiku poet, Matsuo Bashō, is ‘shizukasa ya / iwa ni shimi-iru / semi no ko-e’, and it can be translated as ‘Quietness / cicada’s voice / sinks into rocks’. In English, this piece has merely 3-4-4 syllables, far less than 5-7-5 syllables.

Knowing this, Kerouac must have thought the length of 5-7-5 was too wordy for haiku-writers in the West, and that this wordiness could eventually ruin the conciseness of haiku. He demolished the basic rule of haiku in order to save the soul of haiku. As a result, I feel his haikus accurately capture the essence of haiku aesthetics, as some remarkable Japanese haiku poets do. He also explained that haiku was ‘the discipline of pointing out things directly, purely, concretely, no abstractions or explanations’ [3], and I totally agree with him. As such, I was surprised that a Western writer could understand this deepest axiom of haiku, and I have to admit that Kerouac was one of the most excellent haiku poets of the 20th century. I feel his haikus also convey the Western essence of poetry. Consequently, his haikus beautifully represent the combination of two different cultures. He successfully combined the beauty of the East and that of the West through his notion of 'Western Haiku’.

[1] Kerouac, Jack. Book of Haikus. London: Penguin Books, 2003, pp. 43-96 [selection].
[2] Kerouac, Jack. Scattered Poems. San Fransisco: City Lights Books, 1970, p. 69.
[3] Ibid, p. i.

※「Soanyway September 2020」より転載

大分県生まれ。神奈川県在住。「海原」「豆の木」所属。現代俳句協会評論賞。英国王立芸術大学(Royal College of Art)修士課程修了。句集に『メキシコ料理店』『超新撰21』(共著)。国際俳句協会評議員、英国俳句協会会員。
ウェブサイト: yuzo-ono.com